Editors' choice
Royal Saray Resort
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![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/Z1tDYD5NPNY_QvY9sg6JeYLmRZ4h5TSXTqM3W7L82pk/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvanVtZWlyYWgtcm95YWwtc2FyYXktYmFocmFpbi1tYW5hbWEtMjEyM2EyMDYuanBn.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/vAoxdHyYdqdPXMC22xCGymI6cRamvw_O4bYJqcDm5v0/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvanVtZWlyYWgtcm95YWwtc2FyYXktYmFocmFpbi1tYW5hbWEtZDBmMjUyYzUuanBn.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/SjkuGcDcQM1OMog_sMFND8AnLRro0KD3p-6GN-sv5IA/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvanVtZWlyYWgtcm95YWwtc2FyYXktYmFocmFpbi1tYW5hbWEtOGEwMWRmMWYuanBn.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/OWOj8Yrpp8WjucY4mEkpYxDWMw3v_5Gx24U5YhAlcBg/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS81NjFlZTc3NS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/KHFADWlItJlyHmuv_iay9BqnBLCG6-6ExmgcFo13748/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9kN2liNXl2NmFtN2wyLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2FwaS9hc3NldHMvZG93bmxvYWQvaW1nL2Y3OTUxZjdkMzQyYmU4NDdiM2E0ZGE2NmU1ZmJiNTI5LmpwZw.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/LYhggoeroZNTI5J5rySi3g9PnUfKD2Fb6MNHtSUWJ3Y/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS9kZWVmZjc4Ny5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/ViO_uJbJrCZF322lcF7pfOlEDGoRUrcFIs6kupY2NvQ/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS93ODI1Nmg1NDY1eDB5MzktNjIxZmJmNGQuanBn.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/Wwgu8Dia94bB2wgGvGrmBIBKp9N1QGaamYE8mg0_q_U/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS81ZmUzODg2ZS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/wxpAP0rX3vSq1JQASDI9d0IDTh6OVSEqAUdJAKIAZeM/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS8wYWY5ZmM3Ni5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/A8oyrqYugV_EDIFe4N8yTXTNx17zN-3USEBbRa0CgEY/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS8zMzVmZDJlZi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/iK2gd_RXHrQ-y-pIU-J6GV3X8rY7OE-gnwR4fdPte0k/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS84MTQ1ZjFjZS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/xTkyNxpfOIZjCL3q4DqMAEVaBmMm4Tamg_5cr_r2JUY/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS82YWMyMDNkNS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/caqgXhHMjqsZicLtEyxMGvpWV9-3YrwLjB9bUc2A6W0/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS9jZDk1MTdlNy5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/q_YbQHvpjZ50tkwFvwClrbEZ5Ta6_-Ze42Fag5BdL1M/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS82ZDA3ZjMxNS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/P0HGnlLRzZqgRNp296yJp-iphaZ5SWgUekTWvYjKUB4/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS8xOGJiM2YxYS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/3M9nOjsbIPu31MyDlwDNijv8IvUMrnR71SwaMOECqdE/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS8yOGEwZmRjMi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Royal Saray Resort Gift card for Royal Saray Resort](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/5_KSXVFli_BS2fflv91UfTQMN7jwCbad_R5AtWUDo0U/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnRyYXZlbGFwaS5jb20vbG9kZ2luZy8yMzAwMDAwMC8yMjUwMDAwMC8yMjQ5MDIwMC8yMjQ5MDE3NS85NzY4NTgwNy5qcGc.jpg )
In the press
Read what the travel experts have to say about Royal Saray Resort
Life From Unexpected Perspectives
4th May 2021
Eye-opening perspectives, personal recommendations, and unique insights for American Express Platinum Card® and Centurion® Members. Read on Departures
Forbes Magazine
The Best Travel Agent In The World Is...Free?
11th November 2019
Royal families, CEOs, celebrities and hedge fund moguls all rely on Black Edge Concierge to perfect their travels. Founder Nacer Tazi has been planning trips for family and friends since his days studying hospitality management at Switzerland's Glion Institute of Higher Education. Read on Forbes Magazine
The most spectacular money-no-object experiences in Dubai
6th August 2019
Dubai has broad range of high-end attractions to cater to the superwealthy. From from gold body masks to yatch parties, these are the most spectacular, money-no-object experiences. Read on CNN
Elite Traveler
The Top 10 Luxury Easter Getaways: | Elite Traveler
1st April 2019
The Easter weekend is the perfect time for couples, families and friends to recharge their batteries on a relaxing vacation. Almost every resort in the world offers a luxury Easter getaways package so has hand-picked a selection of exceptional experiences to choose from.. From Soukh to Sands. The perfect immersive adventure for Read on Elite Traveler
Jumeirah Vittaveli Is Offering a $500,000 Easter Experience in the Maldives
22nd March 2019
Looking to get away this Easter? Then check into the Maldives' Jumeirah Vittaveli because they're offering travelers a very hedonistic dining experience for two.. The luxury Maldives hotel in the southern Malé atoll, known for its sweeping Indian Ocean views, glass-bottomed sunken lounges, overwater hammocks, and since recently, Private Ocean Retreats Read on Departures
Culture Trip
The 14 Best Hotels in Mayfair, London
23rd January 2019
Hotel. There are only five restaurants in the UK that hold three Michelin stars, and the Dorchester is the home to one of them. It’s a good indication of the luxury you can expect from a stay here. The hotel opened in the 1930s, and its original furniture has survived multiple Read on Culture Trip
escape (Australia)
How to spend your time at the Las Vegas of the Middle East
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The biggest and most developed of the seven Emirates that comprise the UAE, in the past two decades Dubai has undergone a metamorphosis from small-time fishing town, to the Las Vegas of the Middle East.. A whirlwind of glitzy hotels, outlandish building projects and mega-malls; in this mirage-like desert city, bigger Read on escape (Australia)
Hotels in Dubai are becoming more tasteful, say AHEAD MEA judges
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Hospitality design in Dubai is becoming more restrained as hotels aim to appeal to a broader range of guests, say AHEAD MEA jury members in this movie Dezeen produced for the hospitality awards programme.. The AHEAD MEA awards, which took place last month at the W Al Habtoor City hotel in Read on Dezeen
The Guardian
A London penthouse for £60,000. No, not to buy – that's the weekly rent
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Customer ratings
8.8 (out of 10)
4.2 (out of 5)
4.5 (out of 5)
Rates and availability
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Royal Saray Resort
Building 56, Avenue 38, Block 428, Al Seef District, P.O. Box 17007, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Manama
26.241974°N 50.542463°E
More information
24 hour reception
Free wi-fi
Free parking
84 rooms
Royal Saray Resort
Check in: 1500 Check out: 1200
Hotel Facilities
24 hour check-in / Laundry/Valet service / Spa / Safe deposit box / Room service / Restaurant / Pool / Onsite laundry / Multilingual staff / Lounges/bars / Housekeeping - daily / 24-hour front desk / Free parking / Free high speed internet connection / Coffee shop / Car rental desk / Bell staff/porter / Air conditioning / Accessible parking / 24-hour security / Valet parking