Editors' choice
Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/xsiTriw8LzlqYhaSRZd0Yqi9a7RZycOKGfgizSjFeQM/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC05YmU1ZDFkNC5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/SEfohYrXF3cYI-k_yh7Z31a_3t3z64fqbDyMqDbOqp0/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC0xZDRlYzEwZi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/Naj3pz0SGSscXGvNTox4ZEKBwlJWt6J4YRsF9H5b5Cg/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC01YTE5YTVkZi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/AwBfKa6XSe5lwiT0vDWLS2XakhDDSbNGDGpoKPWzVxg/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC0wMGUzNjBjNS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/KgJb9Dz4vDlQqNO9pB6HX9A3DaQdvfAtXXznyV-14Q0/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC1iZjYyY2ZhYS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/FaN6EoBgy5lsrpg4a3vaSomw4c8lzLGw7wf9LPYlyMY/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC1iMTI2OWMwZi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/eNh5pw25IA4jW9oq6b87nNtQ6x4ctxPBTCVJ2-szZEk/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC1iNTVhYmJlYS5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/z4wiJGQlPESJI7x7kAbrqzawZxxmPv_oePwwxugqU9g/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC1lYzE5YjA5Yy5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/E-6u3uQG4ACa642L18acOAE4cJ4nBOkU8-N74Oy9dqI/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC02M2I5MGZmZC5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/XM-aD1BWEqXF4F_Yytuq5z6YqBOpukxn8hRllOXE3g8/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC05NTVkNTBkMy5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/6jpHr_n4jHKptbUJM-mZThPYR369Ye5pmpgqwIbIJWM/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC02Y2IyOTgxYy5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/AyEGwLaGt5lDclReXx5DDT6IpGhfmOx5UNMlv3em26U/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC1hNTgxMjAxMi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/f9r84G6qnODalh4gEfZKBEINXyoZMDuD6YL6Jwkr9YI/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC1jNGYzMGFlZC5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/j8HJEBMpIXdDbh9mK2bam8YS27PGwlkF5n6bAp1E6wc/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC0zYjkzYjliNi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/BiBwMR_r6O8JFvAXghaSSV6zObx7BpdyUAyjMpML3-c/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC0zMmVkMTQ5Yi5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/pl3g3HphLMdEZm-uRQ_FLnwyku7AedK03w-UWRhvUXk/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC05ZjM0ZDcwNy5qcGc.jpg )
![Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection Gift card for Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection](https://d17k8relgo9zj1.cloudfront.net/rcimg/2/7gRMldZZjXHjrfCLWyHBtjNSnZJ4hoiOkdoN405Us0k/fit/0/2000/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9yb29tY2FyZC1wdWJsaWMtZGF0YS04MmhkazJraHNkLnMzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3Jvb21jYXJkL2hvdGVscy9pbWFnZXMvY293b3J0aC1wYXJrLWRvcmNoZXN0ZXItY29sbGVjdGlvbi1hc2NvdC05Mzk0N2IyOS5qcGc.jpg )
In the press
Read what the travel experts have to say about Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection
Travel + Leisure
Coworth Park Is a Royal Family Favorite Hotel — See Inside Its North Lodge Private Cottage
14th December 2021
Coworth Park's newest standalone cottage has everything you'd ever need for a luxurious week in the countryside. Read on Travel + Leisure
Life From Unexpected Perspectives
4th May 2021
Eye-opening perspectives, personal recommendations, and unique insights for American Express Platinum Card® and Centurion® Members. Read on Departures
Condé Nast Traveller
The best hotels for Christmas in the UK 2021
16th October 2020
Leave the hard work to someone else this Christmas with one of the fabulously festive hotel packages in the UK. Read on Condé Nast Traveller
The Telegraph
'Rule of six' breaks: holiday homes with hotel benefits ideal for smaller groups
16th September 2020
While the house is only a couple of minutes’ walk away from the main mansion, it has its own private gated entrance and couldn’t feel more private.. There are three en-suite bedrooms, two working fireplaces, a drawing room, study, dining room and a fully-equipped kitchen with an AGA. You can also Read on The Telegraph
Elite Traveler
The Best Luxury Hotels for Social Distancing in the UK | Elite Traveler
8th June 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic is likely to keep our feet grounded this year, and even the jet-set elite are looking for home-based holiday alternatives. When the lockdown is eased enough to allow for a countryside retreat, social distancing measures will be in place for the foreseeable future. Only the hotels that Read on Elite Traveler
Evening Standard
Aesthetic specialist Dr Sophie Shotter on her go-to tweakments
5th January 2020
A rising star in the aesthetics world, Dr Shotter takes 10 supplements a day, has regular fillers and Botox and swear by ayurveda Read on Evening Standard
Architectural Digest
7 Charming English Manor Hotels for a Country Getaway
28th November 2019
These grand castles and estates will let you live out all of your “Downton Abbey” fantasies Read on Architectural Digest
Elite Traveler
Spa of the Week: The Spa at Coworth Park
29th July 2019
Just 45 minutes from central London, Coworth Park is a serene countryside getaway. While here, you can't miss its award-winning spa. Read on Elite Traveler
Condé Nast Traveller
The best UK family holidays: 9 hotels for the whole crew
5th July 2019
It used to be said that unless you were outside the M25, you weren’t really in the countryside. Obviously Lord Beaverbrook commissioned his pile long before the London Orbital was built, but lucky him that the planners swung it one mile north of his estate, keeping it feeling as rural Read on Condé Nast Traveller
Evening Standard
The best child-friendly spa getaways in the UK
27th January 2019
These UK spa destinations make children feel welcome and entertained, while also offering jaded parents some much-needed downtime Read on Evening Standard
24 places where you can have an unforgettable destination wedding, from a private island to a mansion by an ancient volcano
25th January 2019
Online travel agency Five Star Alliance has compiled a list of the best luxury resorts and hotels for destination weddings in the world.. These destinations offer the type of unbeatable views, lush surroundings, and unique venues that traditional settings often can't.. The resorts and hotels also have five-star accommodations and amenities to Read on Insider
Business Insider Australia
The 24 best resorts and hotels for destination weddings around the world
10th January 2019
Courtesy of Rosewood Bermuda Pink-sand beaches and balmy weather await couples at Rosewood Bermuda.. Online travel agency Five Star Alliance has compiled a list of the best luxury resorts and hotels for destination weddings in the world.. These destinations offer the type of unbeatable views, lush surroundings, and unique venues that traditional Read on Business Insider Australia
The Telegraph
How Instagram saved the great British afternoon tea
14th August 2018
Yesterday marked the start of Afternoon Tea Week, during which establishments across the country are offering teas at discounted prices, or with added extras. Coworth Park in Ascot (which won the award for the best traditional afternoon tea in the Afternoon Tea Awards last month) is offering 15 per cent Read on The Telegraph
Lifestyle Asia
These are the royal retreats for generations of monarchy
24th May 2018
The world’s fascination with royalty is a phenomenon as old as time. This is evident from centuries of fairy tale books, film adaptations of monarchy, and even Disney movies. In fact, it has been part of society’s fabric since childhood.. For most, the royals represent a real-life fairytale, one that people Read on Lifestyle Asia
Brit+ Co
See Meghan Markle With Her Mom on the Eve of the Royal Wedding
18th May 2018
Desirée O is a ‘Professional Bohemian’ who loves anything and everything related to the arts, entertainment, and pop culture. She ADORES being a ‘Newsy’ for Brit + Co, covering all of the latest tidbits of awesomeness that you want to read about. When she’s not writing, she’s either making messy Read on Brit+ Co
Condé Nast Traveller
Coworth Park: where Prince Harry spent the night before the Royal Wedding
16th May 2018
This Georgian manor house is the only hotel in the UK to have polo fields, an equestrian centre and stabling. A fitting spot then for Prince Harry and his best man Prince William to have spent the night before the royal wedding (even if it's unlikely they found time for Read on Condé Nast Traveller
Architectural Digest
Here Are the Hotels Where Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Will Stay the Night Before the Royal Wedding
15th May 2018
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are set to wed in a much-anticipated ceremony on May 19, but keeping with tradition, they will spend the night apart leading up to their big day. The pair will stay in separate hotels before their nuptials; the first time Harry will see Markle in Read on Architectural Digest
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle to stay in separate hotels night before wedding
14th May 2018
Details of where the couple will stay on Friday night were released on Monday. Read on CNN
Where Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Will Stay The Night Before The Royal Wedding
14th May 2018
Following recent speculation over where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will spend the night before their wedding, it has been confirmed that the bride and groom will follow tradition and stay apart.. Kensington Palace has announced that Harry and Markle will stay at separate hotels in the Windsor area on Friday Read on ELLE
Evening Standard
Coworth Park, Ascot - hotel review
14th May 2018
ES Lifestyle newsletter The latest lifestyle, fashion and travel trends Enter your email address Continue Please enter an email address Email address is invalid Fill out this field Email address is invalid You already have an account. Please log in Register with your social account or click here to log Read on Evening Standard
Martha Stewart
8 Honeymoon Destinations Inspired by the Royals
11th May 2018
Can't get enough of the royal family? Then plan a honeymoon based on their past travels. Here, our favorite honeymoon destinations inspired by the travels of Prince Harry, Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Queen, and more. Read on Martha Stewart
Harper's BAZAAR
These hotels are really embracing the royal wedding
9th May 2018
Britain (and the world) has unfettered royal fever – these retreats know how to celebrate it Read on Harper's BAZAAR
8 Hotels and Resorts the Royal Family Has Visited
9th April 2018
From a resort in Jamaica to a historic inn in the English countryside, these properties can boast that royal heads have slept in their beds. Read on Afar
The New York Times
The Royal Wedding: Frequently Asked Questions
6th April 2018
102 What’s the deal with Meghan’s dad, Thomas Markle?. In the end he did not give Meghan away or attend the wedding. On May 17, Meghan issued a statement saying “Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be Read on The New York Times
Harper's BAZAAR
Best UK staycations: the Bazaar guide
22nd February 2018
Where to go to enjoy the best that British hospitality has to offer Read on Harper's BAZAAR
Town & Country
Where Will Meghan Markle Stay the Night Before Royal Wedding 2018?
16th February 2018
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle clearly aren't afraid to stray from tradition. Following their engagement announcement Kensington Palace even issued a statement saying that the marriage celebration would "reflect the characters of the Bride and Groom," indicating this is not going to be a cookie-cutter event.. But that doesn't mean they're Read on Town & Country
House & Garden
Happy Birthday Your Majesty!
2nd February 2018
From the births of Princess Charlotte and Prince George, to the Diamond Jubilee, recent opportunities for strings of bunting and pops of Champagne have been aplenty. 2016 promises to continue this traditional of Royal celebration as the Queen celebrates her 90th birthday. While Elizabeth II was born on April 21st Read on House & Garden
Condé Nast Traveller
The 15 most wonderful spas in England
8th December 2017
The Gainsborough Bath Spa, Bath. BEST FOR ANCIENT TREATMENTS WITH A TWIST. No wonder there is so much excitement about Bath's latest arrival. This is how to take the city's thermal waters in style, and there is nowhere else in Britain like it. To bathe in waters drawn deep from the earth, Read on Condé Nast Traveller
Architectural Digest
The Complete Royal Wedding Travel Itinerary
1st December 2017
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will marry at Windsor Castle in May—here's our guide to the celebration weekend (whether you're invited or not) Read on Architectural Digest
Elite Traveler
Michelin Guide 2018: UK Winners Revealed
2nd October 2017
By Lauren Jade Hill Today Michelin unveiled the greatly anticipated Michelin Guide Great Britain & Ireland 2018, bringing to light the most outstanding restaurants across the UK. While a total of 2,067 restaurants have been given a place in the guide, it’s the newest additions to the Michelin guide that Read on Elite Traveler
Customer ratings
9.3 (out of 10)
4.8 (out of 5)
5.0 (out of 5)
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Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection
Blacknest Road, Ascot
51.404487°N -0.616552°E
More information
24 hour reception
Free wi-fi
Free parking
70 rooms
Coworth Park - Dorchester Collection
Check in: 1500 Check out: 1100
Hotel Facilities
24 hour check-in / Indoor pool / Tennis court / Spa / Safe deposit box / Room service / Restaurant / Pool / Onsite laundry / Multilingual staff / Lounges/bars / Laundry/Valet service / Housekeeping - daily / 24-hour front desk / Health club / Free parking / Free high speed internet connection / Children's play area / Bell staff/porter / Beauty shop/salon / Air conditioning / Accessible parking / Accessible facilities / 24-hour security / Valet parking